Ensure fish health with accurate data

“LetSea has for many years experienced that the analyses and figures align with reality. We now have a management tool we can use for a wide range of purposes.”

— Tor-Hugo Hestnes | Department Manager, LetSea AS
Fish IconHealth

OptoScale’s bioscope provides more control over fish health

Our new health module offers unique insights into the skin health and wound development of your fish. With our advanced artificial intelligence and high-resolution color images of tens of thousands of fish daily, you can now take charge of the fish’s condition and make decisions based on precise facts.

Gain better information on wound development

Using machine vision, tens of thousands of fish can be examined daily, allowing you to know the percentage of fish in the pen with wounds. Fish are classified based on the size of the wounds – “small,” “medium,” or “large.” You gain insight into how the wounds are evolving, whether they are growing or shrinking in size, and can keep track of the number of wounds per fish.


Take action faster

If you want to investigate the cause, you can evaluate the latest wounds detected using high-resolution images. For winter wounds, it can be valuable to gain an early overview of the outbreak. This allows for early implementation of measures through nutrition or the choice of delousing methods, which can help keep the development in check.

Control fish health status
with our health module

Plan slaughtering better

Use the wound module to evaluate the delousing operation and examine how handling affects fish skin health.

With daily status updates on wound size, it also becomes easier to estimate quality and plan for fish slaughter.

Inspect and easily track
deviations yourself

OptoScale’s image quality and zoom function allow you to independently inspect a random sample of fish and examine any deviations. This enables you to easily detect cataracts, deformities, fin damage, or skin health issues – all without removing the fish from the water, at any time.

Every day, you will have 20 randomly selected fish available for examination. This feature is accessible to all users with Bioscope version 2.0.

Detect early signs of maturation

With machine vision that recognizes changes in the fish’s mouth area, you can quickly determine if the fish is showing signs of maturation.

This overview can assist you in making precise estimates of slaughter quality and evaluating light management regimes.

Monitor swimming speed

With our automatic swimming speed measurement, you have full control over fish behavior – at all times.

Precise real-time data allows you to take immediate action if there is abnormal speed. Say goodbye to manual and inefficient stopwatch measurements. Welcome healthier fish with better quality.